Ating for MQL5
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CBaseTaskBase interface for tasks
 CCalcStopClass to calculate stop loss and take profit prices
 CTimeLapseTreeNodeNode structure for the TimeLapseTree
 CDetectOrdersClass to detect and manage orders
 CDetectPositionsClass to detect and manage positions
 CFilterByCSVFileClass to handle filtering based on CSV file data
 CFilterByDayWeekClass to determine if today is an operative day based on weekdays
 CFilterByDayWeek::FrameStructure to hold boolean values for each day of the week
 CInstitutionalArithmeticPricesClass to handle arithmetic price calculations and validations for institutional trading
 CLimitsByIndexClass to calculate and retrieve price limits based on index for a given symbol and timeframe
 CLimitsByTimeRangeClass to calculate price limits within a specific time range for a given symbol and timeframe
 CInstitutionalArithmeticPrices::PricesStructure to store computed prices and line type
 CLimitsByIndex::PricesStructure to store upper and lower price limits along with their indices
 CLimitsByTimeRange::PricesStructure to store the upper and lower price limits along with their datetimes
 CProfitProtectionClass to handle profit protection mechanisms such as trailing stops and break-even adjustments
 CBreakEvenClass to handle the break-even adjustment of stop loss for positions
 CBreakEvenStagesClass to handle the stages of moving stop loss to break-even for multiple positions
 CTrailingStopClass to handle trailing stop for positions
 CRemoveClass to handle the removal of orders and positions
 CRemoveByLocationPriceClass to handle the removal of orders based on their location relative to a middle value
 CRemoveByOrderTypeClass to handle the removal of orders based on their type relative to positions
 CRequestClass to handle trade requests
 CTransactionClass to handle trading transactions, inheriting from Request
 CRoundVolumeClass to round volumes to the nearest step size
 CSectionTimeManages the start and end times for a section
 CInstitutionalArithmeticPrices::SettingStructure to store arithmetic sequence settings
 CTaskManagerManages and executes a collection of tasks
 CTestTimeClass for measuring and printing the execution time of code
 CTimeHelperA utility class for handling date and time operations
 CTimeLapseTreeTree structure to manage time lapses
 CLimitsByTimeRange::TimeRangeStructure to store the start and end datetime for the time range